1. Birthday sign
I wanted to do a clever pinwheel banner I had seen for Taylor's birthday, but didn't have all the needed supplies. Then suddenly one night lightning struck my brain and I made this:
2. Food clips
I had these on my Target shopping list when I remembered that I have a gazillion clothespins in my craft bin. So I pulled out a few of said gazillion and painted them a variety of colors. Now I ask you which is cuter. This?
Or this?
About a year ago I bought two of these from some darling earthy gals at a Saturday morning market in Provo. This summer my mom let me sift through her sah-weet collecsh of vintage buttons (most of them had been my Grandma Hall's) so I could make some more. I could not love my fridge more--beautiful people's pics held up by darling magnets. Simple pleasures, you know?!
And this brings me to the more important part of this post. Have you seen DesignMom's great idea for a silent auction to help raise funds for Stephanie and Christian Nielson? I am joining the party. This THURSDAY, August 28th I will be auctioning off some vintage button magnets as well as a mega-wega fun surprise (look out blogworld, I have been sewing!). Please join me in this effort to help the Nielsons!
Those buttons are VERY cute! Love them!
great ideas...and I am pretty jealous of your mom's button stash! how come my mom doesn't have a cool button stash? so unfair;)
I just have to say that collecsh might be the funniest looking word you have coined to date. Good job being creative while keeping it simple. That's what we should just always do. Plus how green were those three projects? All recycled, almost nothing to buy. I'm going to remember that birthday banner idea. Love you.
I wish I could have my grandmas vintage buttons too!?! LUCKY! I mean, I could go to JoAnnes and try to find something funky/vintage...but they wouldn't be half as fun and they would cost three/four bucks a pop! Buttons are pricey :(
Wa wa wah. I know. I will stash that idea in my brain for a day when I find some buttons at a garage sale or something, yeah?!
great idea with the clothespins! I need to do that.... and the button magnets are adorable!
I actually noticed these last time we were at your house and thought they were great. I really like cute magnets. In fact I have been telling family when they ask for christmas and birthday ideas...to please send me some cute magnets...but nobody wants to. Maybe they think I'm trying to give them an easy out...but I really mean it! Anyway, they reminded me of some similar magnets made from soda pop tops that I vowed to make for myself one day. I will have to add this to my list.
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