Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I can't believe one year ago we were here. (How has a whole year gone by?!)

(Gosh, I'm not gonna lie, remembering how I felt that day makes me so excited to do it again!) (And if Blaine had it his way, I'd do it again and again and again. And their names would be Gordon, Percy, and James.)

Welcoming you into this world was magical and beautiful and emotional and exciting (and easy!). (Boy will I get slapped by some other mommy bloggers for saying that!)
Your brother loved you from the start. I know sometimes he pushes you and calls you Godzilla for wrecking his train tracks, but just so you know, he also whines when you're napping because "it's not dark!" and "Rogie wants to play!"
I can hardly believe you used to look like this.
And now you look like this.
We love you to the moon, Rog. And tonight we will celebrate by giving you your first sugar! Yellow cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and blueberries atop, since blueberries are your favorite. And then we will smother you with kisses. And probably nibble on your cheeks.
Happy Birthday, Rog!
Mom, Dad,
and Blaine


Danielle said...

I almost emailed you last night because when I was up at one in the morning I saw that you were also up that late, and I was thinking "March forth!" March 4th. I'll never forget little Rog's birthday. Happy birthday little man! Enjoy your sugar;)

(oh and I might just borrow your tutu;))

Emily Anne said...

Happy Birthday li'l Rog! what a heart-melter. can't believe March Forth was a year

wish we could come for cupcakes!

lori said...

Happy Happy birthday, Rog! Those birth pictures bring back so many memories and make me miss you all!!!

Vicky said...

So sweet! Those cupcakes sound delicious.

Melissa said...

Happy one year Rog! I can't believe it has already been a year.

Kate said...

One already! Darn that Rog is cute! Hope he had a great day and loved his sugar! Miss you.