Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just want to sit here in my bathrobe

I am wicked tired today. It's been a busy week. I have been running around town preparing for Blaine's pirate birthday party. Tuesday I got all my flowers planted in the hot sun. Taylor is busy designing our soon to be patio while nursing the nasty sore throat I gave him. I love being busy. If only my pregnant bod could keep up!

I have lots of things I'd love to show you. For today, Carter's mug will suffice. Ohhhhh I love that face.


Joan said...

I want more! I want more! :)
Can't wait to see pics from the party! I LOOOOOVE drooling over your party pics. You put on the sassiest/most stylish parties, Anne!

themother said...

Dear Anne, Since "reading blog posts" is not in any white missionary handbook, I don't do it often, but since "staying close to family" is one of our mission president's directives, I DO catch up when I can. I LOVE to read your ideas--fresh and so aligned. Your voice is so clear. We love you tons!!
Your M-I-L in Cebu mission.

The Ramptons said...

OK I LOVE that mug too...I also can't get enough of those fat fat legs that look like they need compression hose!!! LOVe it.