Of course Grampy was there. In fact, were it not for him, our stuff would have never made it to Oregon. Including the minor detail that our matress and box spring would probably be lying soaking wet somewhere in Western Nevada right now.
It's neat to watch the graduates stand when they say things like "stand if you speak more than one language," "stand if you served a mission," "stand if you are married," "stand if you have children." It is incredible how many of them stand. (Did you know that 75% of students at BYU speak more than one language fluently? Is that nuts or what?!) We were proud of Taylor. He left with a degree, a wife, and 2 kids. Not bad.
Being in the largest school is a bummer on the second day because you have to wait for 1,000 names to be read! Besides whooping and hollering for my hub, the absolute highlight was the woman who walked in place of her husband who was currently serving in Iraq. The whole arena burst into applause and there was hardly a dry eye to be found. It was beautiful, to say the least.
We were touched that Liz and her fam would come down to listen to all those names. At least we got to BBQ after!
Congratulations Taylor! Isn't it the best feeling? We are proud of you!
Congrats! Loved that first picture of Blaine!
Wow. What a big day for the Cropper family! Congrats to all 4 of you and I hope you are loving life in Oregon again. :)
That's so exciting! Jeff didn't want to walk for his BYU graduation or his graduate degree either! What a bummer...I always wish I had some pictures like that. Your family is so stinkin' handsome!
Gosh, I got all teary looking at these pics. I just love our darling Taylor and I'm so proud of him. The G'pa Tanner shot is one for the books, hello?! Priceless.
You look FANTASTIC. I'm not surprised. I nominate you to be Pres. of the HOT MOM CLUB. I'll be V.P. if you don't mind :) haha.
Okay, and I heard a rumor that Tan and Tay ride the red vespa to work everyday togethie?! HELLLLLOOO?!?! How Ashland is that?! Like they are totally the earth friendly gay couple :) All they need now is to sport some dread locks, blare some disco diva music, and have a rainbow flag flying off the back and they are set! I NEEEEED a picture of that asap! Pretty please!? I think an entire post should be devoted to them :)
I just ADORE all of you. Can I move to Talent too?!
Yep, you do have a beautiful family. Congrats, Tay!
Miss you!
Loved this post! Congrats on Taylor's big accomplishment. I think I just blazed over that accomplishment when you moved because I was so excited about the move. Looks like it was a great day. Loved the picture of the 3 generations next to the N. Eldon Tanner statue. Wow, you are Mormon Royalty!
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