Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post-Christmas Thoughts

I hope you all had the hap-hap-happiest Christmas ever! We sure did. Christmas Eve is spent with Croppers--eating Mexican and acting out the Nativity. Blaine makes a cute wise man. Although "Mommy, I need you!" was definitely not the right line. Oh well. Christmas Day is spent with Halls eating donuts (to tide you over), opening gifts, and feasting on Eggs Benedict a la Taylor.
After Eggs Benny my two little nieces raced over to their friend, Sadie's house, just across the street. They had to do the "what did you get this year?" routine. I smiled as I thought of phoning
Beth every Christmas around noon to ask that same question. What I never anticipated then was how much Christmas would change as I got older. How when you're the mom sometimes your stocking doesn't bulge quite as much (I remember my mom's was always depressingly floppy (=empty)! ) but you don't really care. How it's much more fun to watch people open your gifts than to unwrap your own. Don't get me wrong. I am just pleased as punch about my new apron, my cupcake book and cupcake tree, my argyle sweater, and my new copies of Steel Magnolias and Fried Green Tomatoes. It's just that those don't make Christmas anymore. You know what I mean.

Giving was particularly rewarding this year after spending a lot of time hand-making the gifts. I was absolutely giddy watching people try on their new goods that I sewed. (I sewed!) (Pictures coming soon.)

Another thing I thought a lot about this Christmas came from the following Christmas eve conversation with Taylor.
Anne: Oh, Taylor, I feel so bad. I don't have any sweets to put in your stocking!
Taylor: I don't need any. I've been eating so much sugar and chocolate this holiday season that nothing could possibly seem like a treat.
And I felt the same. We go to so many office holiday parties and potlucks and cookie exchanges in December that by the 25th getting some hershey kisses in our stocking is like woop-dee-do. Some kids get so many presents that they don't even look at one gift fully before tearing open the next one. I guess what I'm saying is that I think we have a lot of excess. We treat ourselves so much on a daily basis that things aren't special anymore. And when I use the word "we" here I'm talking about "me." Include yourself if you want to, but I am not judging anymore, remember? I just think if I practiced a little more self-restraint, I would enjoy treats more fully. (Sweets are a good example, but this principle is far more broad, obviously.)

And to wrap up this random post-Christmas post, I will tell you about two more Christmas presents.

#1. Roger was very sick a few days ago. A lingering cold became bronchialitis and sinusitis resulting in a cough that was uncontrollable. The poor boy was coughing until he gagged. He couldn't sleep very well. He was not himself. Thanks to a priesthood blessing given by his dad, and some antibiotics and nebulizer treatments prescribed by the wonderful Dr. Mary, he is recovering remarkably fast. Today he was boogie-free and cough-free, and crawled around all day with the biggest grin a ten-month-old could possibly muster.

#2. We the latter-day saints believe in a lay clergy. That is to say, none of us get paid for our church service. Not even our bishops (pastors). We all have jobs and responsibilities-- "callings"--and are asked to give of our time and energy to serve those in our congregation. Today I accepted the calling of Young Women President in my congregation. That means I am responsible (with the help of counselors and a secretary) for the lessons and activities for all the girls ages 12-18. Truthfully, I am humbled. I had excellent Young Women leaders growing up, many of whom affected me in deep and permanent ways. I want to be that kind of leader. I am also really, really excited. Serving with the youth is my fave. They are so fun and vibrant! I feel blessed to have the opportunity.

Now, truth be told, I typically find the days after Christmas to be on the depressing side. But we will have none of that this year. I've got big plans to kick January up a notch. Are you excited?!


Sally said...

Great post! I'm glad your home made goodies were well recieved. I definetly over-indulged my children all year. Probably myself also! Christmas morning really isn't the same if you think you can have what ever you want all other 364 days of the year. And congrats on the calling. President is a big responsibility, but I know you will do great. Those girls are lucky to have you there.

families are forever said...

What a blessing you will be in the lives of the Young women whom you will serve. Happy New Year.

jeanine said...

I can't wait to see your homemade gifts!
And congrats on the calling... I got called as YW pres just a few months ago... totally overwhelming! You will be great! Oh... and there is a GREAT yahoo group for YW leaders that I find helpful for ideas, etc. You might want to check that out.
And I ate sweets this season to excess as well... some nice fresh fruit sounds good right about now.

bestgrandkidsever said...

I wanted to email you privately, but I don't/can't find an address. I just want you to know how excited I am that you accepted the calling!! You will be a terrific role model (as will your counselor and secretary) for those young girls which includes one granddaughter and her younger sister (in a year)! It made my day!

Emily said...

Congrats Anne! Being YW Pres was one of the most humbling things I have ever done. I still have a deep love for the girls I served. I don't think that will ever change. Can't wait to see your hand-made Christmas!

The Lindsey Ladies said...

Congrats on the calling, I know how much Young Women meant to you growing up, you will do an amazing job I am sure! And please PLEASE spice up my January, I find them so depressing.

lori said...

Merry belated Christmas! I was thrilled to sit down at my computer after a little blogging holiday and see so many happy Anne posts. This was the first I read. And you're the YW pres! And you are MADE for that job! How luck for those girls! And Rog was so so sick! Not not not fun. So glad for the priesthood. We've tapped into that blessing twice this season, ourselves. your thoughts. Can't wait to scroll up through these posts!