Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's Post:

Scroll on down and answer the q's about Diane Keaton.

That's all you get today because:

a) I just know someone can get all of those answers

2) I have a huge young women's program tonight I'm busy working on


d) We have a wedding in the family tomorrow night--and it may or may not be that of our 77-year-old grandmother. (And Taylor is making a totally fabuloso 3-tiered cake with fondant! Look out, Duff! {That's Duff, above, if you didn't know. I heart Duff. I watched Ace of Cakes every chance I got before giving up cable. I miss you, Charm City Cakes! Sigh.})

p.s. if you can name the origin of my numbering system (above), then you are a trivial tuesday WIZARD.

p.p.s. Thomas is dar.

p.p.p.s. Blaine decided he was done with diapers yesterday (let's hear a big WAHOO!)

p.p.p.p.s. How much do you love Diane Keaton's polka-dot skirt anyway?


Christina said...

I can't wait to see pictures of Taylor's cake and I do love the skirt!

lori said...

you will be that classy when you're 63, friend. I have no doubt! So excited about Liz's sweet babe...and your grandma??!
Do post about the cake!

chaela said...

you're right, that skirt is pretty fabulous.