1. I am alive. Yippee! I got strep throat on Friday and I thought I was dying. The worst fever I've ever had/couldn't swallow/barfing my guts out. It was the worst! And the saddest part was that my brother was here from Idaho and I had to miss out on the whole weekend of laughing and reminiscing and attending a presentation by Joel Salatin. The good news is this: antibiotics. Glory glory, hallelujah! It is astonishing to me that just three days after crying in pain on my couch I am doing laundry, cooking, decorating for Easter... So amazing.
2. What do you think of Blue House Tour 2012? Fun? Silly? Interesting? Worth my time? Worth your time? Sometimes I think I am a major nerd for blogging certain things. Weigh in, would you?
3. Finally regained my appetite last night and made this Baked Ziti. Listen here, you need to make this. It is so absolutely delicious, it freezes brilliantly, and my kids love it. Amen.
4. Are you on Pinterest? If you are, I think you'll appreciate this pithy post by my sis, Liz.
5. Speaking of Liz, she linked to this on her blog last week and I almost peed my pants laughing. It may only be funny to you if you watched as much TV as I did in the mid-1980s and/or if you have a pop-culture-steel-trap brain like I do.
6. Speaking of pop culture, should we revive Trivial Tuesdays???
7. If this baby is a boy, I am hosed. I am so out of boy names.
8. My friend, Lesley (Emily Yates, design goddess, I am talking about your mother), just stopped by my house. I apologized for being bra-less and she told me I didn't have to keep folding my arms across my chest. We ate leftover Baked Ziti and talked about children and tulips and Kirtland and the Sermon on the Mount. Then she swept my floor and washed my dishes. It made my day, to say the least. When it comes to my Favorite Humans list, Lesley is right up there.
9. Have you seen this commercial? Oh, Target, just when I thought I couldn't love you more.
10. I think I'll put on a bra now and take my children to pick out some Easter candy for our apothecary jars. Cadbury, anyone?
Would love to continue your tour! Also, that recipe looks good enough to try at a family gathering this Sunday!
Man alive do I love your blog! I am so glad you are feeling better; nothing worse then a sick mommy. I love the house tour and do hope you reinstate trivial Tuesday.
Trivial Tuesday! Steel trap minds think alike! And what was that strange 80s sitcom sing along? Strange. Yes to the house tour! We don't really have a boy or girl name yet so we are hosed, too.
It is most definitely a great one for a family gathering. It's nice and filling and I think has a wide appeal.
Gosh, thanks! That's definitely the hardest part about being sick- feeling like I can't help my kids in any way!
My problem is that I have so many girls' names I love, and if I actually have a girl I'll be so afraid of never having another, that I'll want her to have ALL the names! It'll be as long as Prince Williams's full name!
I LOVE the house tour! You totally inspired me and I'm planning to do one myself--I'm so tired of seeing these beautiful homes that are completely unrealistic for my lifestyle. I want to see REAL homes that are lived in and have some really beautiful inspiring parts...and some not so beautiful parts.
I've come out of lurking! I love blue house tour, and the honesty. You are a gem!
I have already made the baked ziti 5 times and passed on the recipe as many times. Seriously. Swap some of my faves for your faves? And come on, there are so many great boys names out there! But I am sure you are having a girl this time. PS: I miss you. When am I going to see you next?!
Yes! Continue on with the Blue house tour! love it.
Hooray for antibiotics, the blue house tour, 80s television, baked ziti, and trivial Tuesday. Yes please, bring that back! And I think you're hilarious for thinking you're out of boy names. You have a Blaine, a Roger and a Carter, but no Maurice, Chester, Bertram, or Lenny. Plenty more to choose from. I just met a very cute baby named Vincent -- his parents call him Vinny!
Yes with the blue house tour!! I'm a converter brought over here from Bloom, and I love your realism, and the tour is no exception! So keep it up!
And I'll have to try that baked ziti - time to add it to next week's list!
I loved blue house tour, and I think you are amazing! I love reading your blog. Much love to you and the fam! xx
Sister Cropper,
I didn't get a chance to see you after church, so I thought I'd do a little stalking to find you, and I did!
It was fun to see your cute family visiting our ward.
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed having Roger in sunbeams. He was adorable and just an absolute joy to share my "Noah and the Ark" lesson with. What a great kid.
I also thought I'd let you know that I got my mission call a few months ago. I will be serving in the Brazil Sao Paulo Interlagos Mission. I fly to Brazil on May 15th!
I hope it's ok if I follow your blog. I love it! You are welcome to take a look at mine, just email me for an invite (katy.seely@gmail.com).
Much love,
Katy Seely
I just found your blog as a "referring site" to our blog, Part Time Authors. (I'm the one that posted that scary/ delightful video of singing 80s TV stars.) Thanks for the link and for spreading the love!
PS. I also love the Gilmore Girls. I miss them.
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