Now let's get real for a minute. You all know I wanted a girl so bad I could die. So much, in fact, that I'd been working on convincing myself that this is a boy for the last 20 weeks. So even though I was not surprised, I will not pretend that I wasn't at all disappointed. Blaine cried most of the way home from the appointment, and by the time we got home he had a serious meltdown. So I joined him. Taylor had a screaming 18 month-old and a bawling 26 year-old on his hands and said, "Oh, this is just great!" As he hugged me and asked why I was crying I blubbered, "I've been tryin' to tell myself that it was a boy, but I really wanted a girl!" And even though I know it's OK to be honest and real and human, I also know--and even knew right in that moment--that that was the most ridiculous thing I could cry about. And so I blubbered on to my husband, "Who cries about a healthy baby? Who cries about having a boy when so many women can't conceive a child of either gender? Who cries about two healthy sons?" And so with a wipe of my now gothic-looking mascara, I stopped the tears and the silliness and haven't looked back since. So there's a public hanging for ya. Turns out I'm not perfect. I know--it came as a shock to me, too. (ha!) We are thrilled to have another boy. And most of all, we are thrilled that he is thriving and developing properly.
And just in case you were wondering, the baby is going to be an alien for Halloween (check out that face!).
Congratulations! I don't know about girls, but boys have been lots of fun for us. I've kind of given up on a girl ... at least until baby #5. That's the word from Samuel!
YEAH!!! How exciting. It's fun to makes it more real (I'd imagine). OK here is what I have to say about your tears on the subject. I think you are entitled to feel your own feeling on the matter, because although it is true that some women cannot conceive a child of either gender, and some women have babies who are not so healthy, this is your pregnancy and its your baby, and it's your reality. So I don't think it means you are a bad person, or that you don't love the boy that you will just means you miss the girl that you didn't have...yet. So that's what I think.
Well you two do make pretty cute boys so I can't wait to meet him! Also its good about the clothes. That works out well. I can't believe you are going to have TWO whole kids. Congratulations!!
Hooray for two little boys. Remember how cute Sam and Ben were when it was just those two? I am certain that your girl will come -- and I think it's good to be honest about your feelings, especially since you acknowledge that you need to get over them :) There are lots of good things about two boys in a row (or three!) and it gets better and better as they get older and invent their own entertainment.
You make me laugh out loud! and I'm with's your reality and it's ok to be sad! It probably didn't help that I was totally convinced it was a girl and kept telling you that! What a bad friend I am! Besides Taylor might need a few more years before he can handle the emotions of two girls in his life! I'm pretty sure Mark was praying for a boy for that very reason! cuz lets be honest, I can get pretty emotional and crazy and all the while Mark has the most baffled look on his face! and if I'm more honest, it's a well deserved baffled look because most of the time when i am acting like a crazy's for the dumbest reasons! I'm getting off track here....
I am SOOOOO excited for you, Taylor and Blaine! I've only had a little boy now for just over two weeks, but he's pretty great! You two make very cute little boys and I'm so excited to meet him!
(and I say you go buy yourself a new diaper bag or two!)
One more thing I found out that I thought you would appreciate...I have the same birthday as Loreli (sp?) Lauren Graham! march 16th! can you believe she's 40?? But I bet you already knew that!
love you!
Congrats on the boy (even if it's not what you thought)! And I second or third the previous comments on acknowledging your feelings and then moving on. And I think it's great to have two boys in a row. Just think what great friends they'll be.
So, just a thought, but how do you feel about a "baby swap"? You take Reagan and I take Baby Boy #2? That way we have one of each? Hee hee....It simply looks as if it is not our times to have opposite sex children. Oh well, its meant to be. And I will openly admit that when they told us Reagan was a girl, Collin and I both had dissapointed looks on our faces. But I do believe that they will be great friends, and the darn cutest little boys anyones ever seen!
The Lindsey Ladies...I've already made the offer to switch one of my two girls for new Cropper baby boy...Anne, I vote first come first serve! :) Good thing you don't have to come up with a halloween costume for that be'be'!!
Isn't it funny how childbearing can make us crazy? I was in labor 24 excrutiating hours with my first and when she was finally born, the first thing I said was, make sure she's still a girl. My husband still laughs incredulously about that one. When we were checking the gender of baby number, it wasn't cooperating and I offered to stand on my head to help the technician get a better look. I just knew I was meant to be a girl mommy. If the baby wasn't a girl, I was going to need the next 4 months to be okay about it.
I have heard several different people say that the birth of a child is also a bit of mourning. You have to give up the idea of what the child is going to be and deal with who the child actually is. I thought that was pretty interesting.
Congrats Anne! I am glad the little one is healthy and growing!
Maybe you still can use the name Clara... let's see... Claron... Clarando... Clarem... well, maybe not for a boy! :) I am so happy for you and your little family. How fun will it be for him and Blaine to play trucks and find bugs together! Love you!
This is VICKY, not Paul.
Anne, I'm so excited about seeing those pictures! Maybe I'm just weird, but I think ultrasound pictures are fun.
When I was pregnant with Benjamin I definitely had my heart set on what I wanted the gender of my baby to be, so I can somewhat relate to your feelings. I think it's wonderful that you expressed them honestly and I don't think you should feel guilty about how you feel. When your daughter does come along, not only will she have a great, perfect-for-raising-a-girl mom, but she'll have two awesome older brothers, too!
Yay! You're normal and you'll say the things that everyone else feels, but no one admits! I was disappointed because I thought William was William and Anna. That's right, I wanted twins. As if my life doesn't have enough chaos...
I love your raw emotions.
Congratulations, Anne! I am so happy for you. I can't believe how far along you are...time is flying. Join the boy club.
How fun to have 2 boys. I want a little girl too but it's a blast having two boys... and much easier on the pocketbook!
hey - my comment must not have posted (yesterday? I can't remember when I wrote it!)
Can't remember what I said. But: we're super excited! Can't wait for little alien boy baby to arrive!
Love that you're honest and real and so, so good, Anne!
I love your honesty, Anne. And, as you all well know, I love little boys. Congratulations! I can't imagine how much fun two will be!
I feel your pain. I am dying for a boy myself. After 2 girls I just really feel like I would like to try a boy. Especially since it may be my last (if Landon has anything to say about it.) You are entitled to your disappointment. It doesn't mean you won't adore your little man! Congrats. Maybe next time! ;)
Anne, I don't know where to begin.
Ditto to everyone...and don't worry-as one who cannot conceive either kind--I 100% support your feelings. I for one will be very disappointed if I don't have 2 boys/2 girls exactly 2 years apart, all well behaved, one born at 12:01 Jan. 1 and one born 11/11/11. does this make you feel better for wanting a girl? Love the ultrasound pics.
Congratulations! We are so happy for you. The boys will be so cute together!
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