Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cyber (8 months late) Birth Announcement

So I briefly mentioned that Emily designed this darling baby announcement for the Rog. (Yes I am only now organized enough to get them sent out.) Like I told Emily, I am head over heels in love with it.

I also wanted to share some of the pics that are being sent out with the announcements. (Note: if you read this blog you probably won't be receiving one in the mail. I hope you aren't offended. I'm trying to get them out to people I haven't had much contact with in several years but want to keep in touch with (i.e. families I taught on my mission, distant relatives, etc.). If you're dying for one let me know and I'll send it out. I just figure the kid is 8 months old and most of you have seen him in person or a million times on the blog. So anyway.)

When Rog was just about 2 months old, my sister-in-law, Brianne shot some pics of him for the announcement. This is the presh photo I'm sending out...

but I thought you'd like to see some of these other shots as well.

Cute little guy. Thanks, Brianne! While we're on the subject of Brianne, she's pretty much rad. Check out her Photog Blog. If you're in Utah or Idaho, she's got a sweet photography deal going on that you need in on. (Details on her blog.)

I thought it would be nice to throw in a snapshot of the whole fam so my long-lost peeps could see what we look like these days. I figured one from Taylor's graduation would work fine. But then my friend, Kate, who has gotten really interested in photography lately told me she'd love a family to practice on. And I was like, sweet, we don't have any "family photos" since before Rog was born. So we had ourselves a fun little photo shoot while in Utah last month. (email kathrynkate{at}gmail{dot}com to learn what Kate can do for you.) Thanks, dear! So this is the one being sent out...

and here are some more of my faves.

A delightful weekend to you all!


Sarah said...

I am sickened by your overall J.Crew-like gorgeousness! Sometimes I delude myself into thinking that we are just as cute and stylish as you guys, but then I see the actual proof, and it never matchesup! At least I take renewed comfort in my knowledge that I own that shirt!

Jenn said...

Where have you been ALL my life?!?! I was shocked and elated to see your name appear on our silliness blog. How are you? I love all of the pictures of your fam; you look a-mazing! Your boys are to cute... I can't believe you have 'children' :) So good to hear from you - I have been thinking about Kirtland A TON and missing you. Talk to you later - now that I know where to stalk you ;)

Christina said...

Love the announcement and the pictures!

The Lindsey Ladies said...

OH MY GOODNESS! No, there are not words to describe the cuteness of these pictures. And your friend was just practicing?!?!?! She is amazing. Please blow these pictures up and wallpaper your living room with them immediately.

Kate said...

Fun post! I agree with all that say you and your little family could be in a j.crew catalog! Pretty stylish and cute, I say!

ps. so happy you like your pictures!

Sally said...

Well at least you are sending out birth announcements. My second and third babies got the shaft. All of the pictures are just so adorable. I wish I lived close to Kate so she could practice on my family.

aaron and meg facer said...

What fine looking family!

Alicia said...

Very cute pics! I can't believe how long your hair is now! It looks especially long in the one of you and Taylor. I wish I had the patience to grow mine out!

jeanine said...

You have the best looking family ever!

Anonymous said...

I just got done reading the last few posts. You rock Anne.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you showed us more of the pictures Kate took. They're beautiful. And that little Rog has eyes that could melt the iciest heart. what a sweetie!

Rachel and Jared said...

Awesome pics. I love the red brick!! Man that Rog is so chubbily cute!! Miss you are good lookin as ever.
