Wednesday, August 26, 2009

end of summer update


That's about as cute as it gets, huh? And don't you like my mom's snappy new look? She had her hair cut short right after the accident since she couldn't hold her hair dryer, etc. I think it's fab. Speaking of my mom, she is going to help me bottle peaches today, which I couldn't be more excited about. Provident living--yeehaw!

Shall we have a little update? I feel like all summer long I've been pretty absent. It's been busy. Texas, Girls' Camp, California, a couple illnesses. And every time a trip is over there is a week of recuperation time, you know? Plus we have had lots of family in town, which is always rad, and, please don't be offended dear little blog, but time with them is more important that keeping up over here. So that's been my summer. Busy. On the home front we've spent a lot of time watering our flowers and garden, making mud pies in our sand box, and baking mint chocolate chip cupcakes. I've had some really tough days with Blaine, but I really like my boys. In fact, last night I said something to Taylor that I never thought I'd say. While watching Rog sit on the counter, fat belly pooching out, stuffing goldfishies in his mouth for his bedtime snack and giggling with every crunch, I said: "I know I always say that if we have 5 boys then I will adopt a girl. But I don't really think I will."

And now, for the final portion of this random update: I have been collaborating on a new, big project. (You know, the bigger and better thing I hinted at, which is not, in fact, another child in my womb.) It's a new blog. And it launches September 1st. (Doesn't everyone need 3 blogs?!) I'm suuuuuper excited about it. You should be, too! OK that's a big enough hint for now. Excuse me while I go peel some peaches.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

End of summer.... *sigh* it went all do darn fast!

I have something for you on my blog :)

Here's the direct link...